11 first kiss stories from women and nonbinary people of color

Written by Nhatalya Pagtakhan

Ah, first kiss stories. Some of them forgotten, others of them we are yet to have, but these are the stories we’ve remembered.

We’ve asked our beloved community, full of women and nonbinary people of color, to anonymously share what their first kiss stories are. So, if you’re looking for some chronicles of cute, cringey kisses, you’ve got them here. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed sharing them.

Responses have been edited for grammar and/or clarity. Names have been changed to preserve anonymity.

1. 15 years old, in the hallway of my high school after school ... thinking back on it now, bad move ...

I was always afraid to have my first kiss because a) I was afraid to get hurt, and b) I had no idea what I was doing. But my best friend told me, “You can’t live your entire life in fear,” and that’s stuck with me even to this day.

I really liked this guy and he was mutual friends with two of my close friends who kept encouraging me to pursue him. He was a year younger (so he was in middle school — yes, looking back now, it was weird). He would come hang out at the high school after classes, so we were talking in the school basement near the gym and my friends were there, too.

My friends quickly ducked into the gym to give the guy and me some space. We were just talking and hugging when he asked me, “Do you want to do what I want to do?”

I asked him, “What do you want to do?” and he leaned in and kissed me. My heart was literally jumping out of my throat but we made out a bit and we hugged.

Fun fact: We’ve been friends with benefits since then, and he’s actually one of my best guy friends now, but no feelings anymore! I’m glad I got to have my first kiss with someone who still respects me and values me, and someone I can still trust. I’m grateful for how it went down and how sweet it was.

2. 19 years old, Lover’s Point, Monterey, California

I was finishing up my first year of college. I remember the kiss itself was a little underwhelming. I realized I sort of built it up beforehand. But the setting was almost perfect.

I was visiting my best friend, but she was basically setting me up with her friend. Her friend and I were exploring Monterey alone at one point, and we found Lover’s Point. It was a nice, simple beach. And it was sunny, and the light hit the water just right, enough for it to glitter.

After gazing at the beach for a bit, as I heard several people and kids running and climbing the rocks, she asked if it was okay for her to kiss me, and I said yes.

Again, the moment was nice but the kiss itself felt almost like nothing. Probably why we didn’t quite work out in the end, but I’m on good terms with her and I’m kind of thankful for her to create such a romantic moment.

3. 15 years old, a park near our high school

It was my freshman year during lunch.

I was trying to get off of the play structure, and the guy, who later became my boyfriend, helped me, then he lifted my chin up and kissed me (so sweet!).

Honestly, it was a really great first kiss experience. But because of the kiss, I was almost late to my next class, so I was a little stressed. Also, I realized that I had no idea how to kiss, so I tried to avoid kissing him any time after that.

4. 18 years old, the rooftop of a building at my university

It was my freshman year of college, and my friends were taking pictures on the roof of one of the school buildings before we all left for winter break.

We decided to take some platonic kissing photos for fun, but I was too embarrassed to admit that I hadn’t had my first kiss yet. So, my first kiss was with one of my very straight friends lol!

I just had to wing it. It made me realize that kissing wasn’t such a big deal.

5. 18 years old, on the front steps of my dad’s house!

We just got out of school. It was my senior year and prom season was around the corner (yes, I was a bit of a late bloomer in the boy department).

I had been getting a good amount of prom proposals, but I kept turning them down in hopes that my then high school boyfriend would ask me.

He walked me to the front step and asked me to the prom. He laid one right on me in front of my house. It was nice, 10/10!

6. 13 years old, lying on the grass at a park

My first kiss was on my 13th birthday with my middle school boyfriend, Joey. He’d texted me that he was going to “give me a special surprise,” which turned out to be a quick little peck at the park.

I remember I was wearing a bright pink glittery T-shirt from Victoria’s Secret Pink and feeling so happy.

7. 15 years old, upstairs in my friend’s house in her guest room

I was never much of a partier in high school (or, rather, I wasn’t invited to many parties) and this was likely the first time I got drunk at a party.

My friend Gina had gotten blackout drunk and needed to be put to bed upstairs in the guest room. Her good friend Milo was worried about her and came up to check on her.

Together, we put our friend on her side, set a bucket beside her and brought her water and Tylenol for the morning. Soon enough, she was PTFO (passed the F out) on the bed, and we decided to hang out in the dark room to “make sure she’s OK.”

One thing led to another, and suddenly we were making out on the floor! Sheeeeesh, but our friend slept through the night safe and sound.

8. 14 years old, at school

It was pretty boring, tbh. I remember thinking, “That’s it?”

9. 17 years old, a party I went to on a whim

Hm, let's see ... I may or may not have partaken in a little bit of the alcohol drinking that was occurring at this party, and let me also add that this was the first time I had ever really had alcohol that wasn’t just a sip of the new beer my dad was testing out with his dinner. I had been anxious to get my first kiss, but had no idea it was going to happen on this night.

I was at this party hanging out with people who otherwise would have completely ignored me in the hallway between class periods. I made my rounds being the new-found social butterfly with my liquid courage, and ended up talking to a guy that didn’t go to my school. He had black curly hair and was quite the conversationalist. We start getting closer and closer whilst talking, and before I know it, we are full on making out at this party. We were outside and in a poorly lit area, not that that really helps my case.

After what feels like quite a while when conjuring up these wonderful memories, we both just kinda stopped kissing one another at the same time and continued our conversation from before.

Never spoke to this guy after the party and was totally OK with it.

10. 16 years old, an arcade called Round 1

I remember telling this guy that I had never had my first kiss when we first started talking.

One day when our friends and I went to hang out, we decided to get KBBQ then go to a popular arcade called Round 1 (think an Asian version of DnBs). Somehow, we split from the group and he took me to one of the Japanese photo booths. That’s where I saw him lean in for the kiss.

I definitely felt a little awkward at first since it was my first kiss and in such an enclosed space, I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know if it was because I was young, but I do remember it being not unpleasant, but definitely not the best, either.

He said I was a good kisser despite it being my first kiss ever, and looking back at it, it felt special at the time but a little cringe now lol.

11. 12-13 years old, near the school bus

Me and this boy both had a crush on each other for months! We were in the same sixth grade class, and one day after school, I just decided: today was the day I’d get kissed.

I didn’t see him all day and thought he was out sick, but around 3 p.m., right when school ended, I saw him standing by my school bus.

I went up to him, said something irrelevant and we started talking about whatever sixth graders talk about. All I could think about the whole time was, kiss me kiss me kiss me.

Five minutes later, my bus was about to leave so I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and just went for it! I think I half kissed his lips and cheek lol (I had no idea what I was doing). And I ran away toward the bus. It’s still one of the bravest things I think I’ve ever done.

Photo credit: Cottonbro via Pexels

This article was originally published on Parachute Media

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