Become a Writer
Our community starts with you. Share your story.
SheMade Digital is a place where you can write about the issues that matter to you. See an important topic that we’re not writing about? Pitch an idea and write the article. Want to share your experiences or looking to expand your portfolio with published pieces? You’ve come to the right place.
Why write for SheMade?
Become a published author
Build up your portfolio with published pieces
Work with SheMade’s editors to improve your writing
Get access to a writer’s circle
Get an author’s page on SheMade’s website
Join our contributor program…
SheMade’s Contributor Program is a monthly cycle for writers who want to write regularly.
At the start of every month, contributors have one week to sign up for an article prompt or pitch a story. Contributors then have 2 weeks to write the article and submit it.
Week 1: Sign up for a prompt or pitch an idea
Weeks 2 & 3: Write the article
End of week 3: Deadline for article
Week 4: Editors edit the articles and schedule it to be posted or return it to writers with feedback
Pitch an Idea…
Have an idea for an article you want to write, or know about something important that we’re not talking about? Pitch us a story.
Submit an open letter
Our open letters series allows you to write a letter to anyone or anything. Write a letter to your ex, to your future self, to your insecurities. These letters can be completely anonymous or have your name on it.
Check out our FAQ page.