5 activities when you’re in a funk

Written by Vatika Mohanty

With our constantly changing climate and a never-ending stream of content being pushed in our faces, sometimes we feel overwhelmed and feel that the best thing to do is nothing. We start feeling like we are in a slump and any goals and passions of ours fall through. What was once a newfound determination can suddenly become dreary feelings and gray walls.

Sometimes, you get burnt out. Other times, you lack motivation to reset your charges to start doing what you want and need to. Whatever the roadblock, it’s enough to put a person in a weird headspace.

But there are some ways that help combat these blues and it starts with remembering that there is no “right” time to start something. The right time is when it is best for you.

And when you are ready to start, there are a variety of things you can do to combat feelings of not having a specific goal. Here are five things you can experiment with to get you out of your motivational funk:

1. Experiment with a new skin care routine

Try out a new skin care routine with all of the products you’ve collected over the past couple of months.

We’ve all been there. The newest skin care product comes out saying it will finally stop you from getting blackheads, and because it’s on sale, you purchase it. And once you have it, you put it away in the back of your cupboard and forget about it.

Now you can try out something new.

2. Try new makeup looks

Put on makeup for fun.

You can try out new looks and combinations without the stress of having to “put on your best face” to go out somewhere. Instead, you can try new things out for fun, and if you want, save them in your vault for a later look or event.

You can even try out fun, extravagant looks that may be too much for day-to-day without worrying about the final outcome.

3. Set up a personal photo shoot

Put on a photo shoot just for yourself.

Last year, I felt like the ambience in my room was perfect for some new pictures. I set up my phone with its timer and tried out a bunch of different angles and lighting.

The new skin care routine I came up with helped with the pictures, too. I felt like I could get away with using less makeup because I felt more confident in my own skin.

4. Consume new shows, movies and books

You may feel a little slow when it comes to pushing out new content, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things for you to watch or read. Oftentimes, the remedy to a creative funk is to consume media that you enjoy.

Watch an old favorite show and fall in love with it all over again. Or start a new show that you’ve been putting off for a while. You could also tick some books off your “To Be Read” list or catch up on a series of movies.

5. Take it easy

Enjoy the bliss of taking life a little slow.

After the rush of the holidays, meeting many people and draining out social batteries, our brains may be overworked. Taking time to yourself can be a nice way to reset and be ready for everything the new year has to offer.

Even if you don’t get started on a goal when you intended to, you have the whole year ahead of you to do what you want. I personally find myself adding on goals throughout the year when it feels right.

Whatever it may be, remember to do it for you. All these things can be done with friends or family, but that doesn’t mean they can’t also be enjoyed by yourself. It may help you discover new things about yourself you may not have known before.

This article was originally published on Parachute Media

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